Four Square Breathing – A 3 minute breathing meditation

4 Square Breathing aka Box Breath
This breath is taught to the Navy Seals for use during high pressure situations to reduce stress.  The slow inhales and exhales combined with breath holding induces the parasympathetic nervous system, and the breath holds, especially the exhale hold raising the carbon dioxide in your blood pushing oxygen from our blood to your cells which is very calming to the body and mind. 

Start with 4 Resonance Breaths in a 5:7 ratio = approx. a 5 second inhale and 7 second exhale

Box Breath 4x

  • Inhale 4 seconds through your nose
  • Hold your breath in 4 seconds 
  • Exhale out your nose 4 seconds
  • Hold your breath out 4 seconds

Repeat for a total of 4 rounds

End with 4 resonance breaths and visualizing a positive outcome, visualizing peace and happiness, feel calm.

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