Learn how to use herbs and oils to prevent and treat minor ailments and injuries — aka little boo-boos. Also learn ways to reduce antibiotic and medication use by learning how to incorporate herbs, spices, and essential oils into your life safely and effectively.
Aromatherapy is not just smelling the oils, though this is lovely. Aromatherapy is using the aromatic molecules the plants produce for our health too.
Plants produce these aromatic molecules to protect them from insects, diseases, harsh weather, and any other threats. As it turns out us humans face similar threats from these same pests and diseases — making these plant molecules effective for humans as well.
The aromatic molecules plants produce can be used in a variety of ways. Diffusing their scents into the air is good for our respiratory system, reducing stress, help fight contagion, boost immunity and mood, and could even help you sleep.
We also use the herbs and oils in lotions or carrier oils for improved skin health and lymphatics. Gels, salves, and balms can be helpful for minor aches pains or household type little injuries, as can a warm compress with herbs. Baths are another lovely was to incorporate herbs and oils for healing and stress reduction.
Plant medicines can do all this with very low risk of side effects!
Ice no more! A hot water bottle or warm compress is better than ice. The doctor who coined RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) has rescinded it. Read it here. A warm compress or hot water bottle with some herbs and oils can do wonders. Contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Fever – When and why to let a fever run it’s course (and when not to).