- Broccoli seed oil (brassica oleracea var. italica), Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), Roman Chamomile essential oil (Anthemis nobilis) OR Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil
Ingredients: Broccoli seed oil, jojoba, and Roman chamomile essential oil OR Rosemary.
To use: There are a couple ways to use this oil. It can be applied to dry hair, or you can mist your hair with a hydrosol then apply.
– Put 1-3 drops on fingertips and apply to frizzy ends.
– Rub a few drops into scalp to strengthen hair.
– To add gloss and shine to bangs apply 1-2 drops on bangs and the scalp around the bangs.
Cost $15.00 / half ounce. Please specify if you want the Hair Shine with chamomile or the Hair Shine with rosemary.
Choose roman chamomile to condition and soften frizzy hair and improve elasticity of hair. chamomile will also improve highlights in your hair.
Choose rosemary for thinning hair, and to improve memory and learning. Also men may like rosemary better as it’s scent is more masculine than chamomile.
About Hair Shine featuring Broccoli Seed Oil
Most commercial products use silicone, usually in the form of dimethicone to increase hair shine. However dimethicone is a questionable ingredient health wise; and in the long run silicone/dimethicone builds up weighing down your hair down preventing moisture from getting into the hair shaft leaving it prone to damage and breakage. But there is good news! Broccoli seed oil mimics silicone without the negative side effects — and in fact a LOT of benefit.
Broccoli seed oil is rich in fatty acids, it is about 50% eurcic acid which is an omega 9 oil that imparts the silicone like sheen. Broccoli seed oil easily absorbs and is greaseless yet adds moisturize and shine to hair reducing frizziness while strengthening hair.
Sulforaphane, a beneficial component in broccoli also blocks UV damage and helps your body make protective enzymes that fight sun damage. And thanks to broccoli’s high vitamin A content (along with Vitamins C,K, and B) it reduces free radicals in the hair (and body!) and protects against aging. Free radicals create oxidative stress that grays and thins hair, using broccoli seed oil protects your hair keeping it vibrant and younger looking.
Broccoli seed oil has one caveat … it smells like broccoli, not exactly desirable. I combined it with jojoba and either roman chamomile or rosemary essential oil for added benefit and and scent.
Jojoba is a liquid wax and adds shine and manageability to hair, jojoba oil works by forming a protective coating over each strand of hair, which helps reduce frizz, lock in moisture, and soften hair.
Roman chamomile softens hair and helps to restore the natural oils that can be stripped off by commercial shampoos restoring moisture to dry hair. It conditions and detangles hair and protects it against UV radiation and pollution due to its high vitamin and anti-oxidant content. It can also protect against dandruff because it is a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory oil. It strengthens your hair follicles from within reducing hair loss while promoting hair growth and improving the elasticity of your hair. Chamomile brightens hair and improves your own natural highlights.
Rosemary essential oil has been clinically shown to improve hair growth due to its ability to improve circulation. Improved circulation to the scalp helps follicles get more nutrients preventing hair loss. Rosemary is also anti-inflammatory and promotes nerve growth which may contribute to improving hair growth.
Carnosic acid which is a plant compound naturally occurring in rosemary is one of the compounds responsible for improving nerve growth.
*Kosaka & Yokoi: Carnosic acid, a component of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), promotes synthesis of nerve growth factor in T98G human glioblastoma cells. Mol Cancer Ther 2004 Oct;3(10):1239-48
*Park et al: Beneficial effects of carnosic acid on dieldrin-induced dopaminergic neuronal cell death. Neuroreport 2008 Aug 27;19(13):1301-4
And this study concluded rosemary was just as effective at improving hair growth as minoxidil (rogaine) while also reducing the side effect of itchy scalp. This study used a combination of rosemary, thyme, lavender and cedarwood showing improved and quickened hair regrowth after hair loss from alopecia.
Rosemary is also a brain tonic, improving memory and supporting cognitive functions; how perfect that we are rubbing it right into our scalp where it can get access to the brain thanks to the bi-directional emissary veins that go from the brain to the scalp. Also the exact reason you don’t want to put toxic chemicals like silicone or dimethicone found in commercial hair products on your scalp!