Photo by Bobbi Misiti
- 1 cup bulgar, cooked
- 1-2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup almonds, sliced (or broken up with a hammer)
- 1 bunch scallions, chopped
- Big handful chopped cilantro
- Handful of chopped mint
- Juice of 1/2 lemon
- Salt & pepper to taste
Heat olive oil over very low heat, stir in almonds and toast lightly. (If almonds are whole wrap them in a dish towel lightly hammer them to break them up.)
Add in scallions and saute briefly.
Stir in bulgar until heated through, you may need to add more olive oil. Stir in herbs.
Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice. Season with salt & pepper to taste. This is also good sprinkled with coconut aminos.
Can be served warm or at room temperature.
In the picture I made this with mac nuts and sunflower seeds instead of almonds, and basil instead of cilantro. It’s good both ways, experiment with different nuts, seeds, and herbs yourself and find delicious ways to incorporate these health and medicinal foods into your diet.
Find high quality extra virgin olive oil here.