Thought I’d share these…
Before Yoga Hated my body and dwelled upon the things it couldn’t do.
After Yoga Love my body and marvel at the things it can do and is capable of doing with patience and practice.
Before Yoga Compared myself to others (better jobs, bigger houses, better behaved kids, more helpful husbands, etc.)
After Yoga Developed drishti for not only my poses but my life. Concentrate on setting my focus on my own goals and personal happiness.
Before Yoga Allowed myself to get upset and emotional over things that really were out of my control.
After Yoga Spend less energy worrying and face each challenge as it comes. I use yoga breathing to calm myself and clear my mind before I make big decisions.
Before Yoga Go, go, go, go…
After Yoga Stop, reflect, relax, enjoy the moment…breathe
Thank you for helping to bring these changes about in me!